By way of explanation the four of us (Chris, Jenny, Bill and I) had reservations in Safety Harbor Florida, at a fairly exclusive Spa..delays in getting ready to go to the Brunch made us miss the Brunch altogether... Now depending on who you ask, the stories differ on who caused the delay, but my story is... The Boys took too long to get ready!" To make up for our missed Brunch, Chris and Bill (hereafter known as "The Boys") decided to prepare Brunch for Jenny and I..which they did. Here is photographic proof of our Eggs Benedict, beautiful fruit platter and the Mimosa's.

To the left is Chris stirring the Hollandaise Sauce while Jenny looks on. Middle left are "The Boys", Bill taking his turn at the sauce... and Jenny sipping on a Mimosa. Bottom left are "The Boys" and I sampling the Mimosa's. Below is Bill preparing the fruit platter, which by the way was beautifully prepared and presented. Jenny and I have discussed this, we think "The Boys" should start a business!! The Brunch was a major success, and both of us "Girls" feel honored to part of "The Boys" lives

Here in Chris & Jenny's beautiful dining room is the final setting. With Jenny's careful eye to detail, approval is given and we sit down to a beautifully prepared (completely by "The Boys") Brunch. We had a wonderful morning, and then went to old Tampa shopping in the afternoon. How could a day be more perfect.. With great friends, the one you love by your side, an excellent meal... and shopping!!

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