I'm sure Bill had no idea of what he was getting into.  He did know that I had Grandchildren, and he certainly was used to having boys around since he had 3 of his own... But Grandkids are so much more different.  And ladies, we know how men can be, they don't know sometimes when it is time to just relax, especially in Bill's case... here he was trying to re-impress a lady he felt he may spend the rest of his life with, and the way Joshua was running him around playing basketball, I feared that may not be long!!  They did get along together wonderfully, and within 2 days, Joshua was calling Bill grandpa, and they were inseparable!!

Not to be out done by her cousin Joshua, Miss Taylor cornered Uncle Bill for a go at Lego construction. I must say, he did very well in keeping not only me happy, but all the little ones too.

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